The Canton of Vanished Wood presents….

All Souls… Here We Go Again!

Saturday, November 2, 2024, Roselle United Methodist Church

You are invited to a day of fighting, feasting, and friendship in the Canton of Vanished Wood. Music and Court in the morning will be followed by a Lunch Feast. It’s potluck, so bring a dish to share! In the afternoon, there will be classes and martial activities (heavy and rapier), weather permitting.


All Souls will be held at:

Roselle United Methodist Church
206 Rush St.
Roselle, IL 60172

The site will be open 9 AM-6 PM. It is dry and not pet friendly. 


Please park in the front lot (the one facing Rush St.)

The upper lot will be used for martial activities (weather permitting), so it needs to be kept free of cars.


All Souls is a free event, though please bring a donation to the Roselle Community Food Pantry.

The food pantry needs the following items the most:

•Macaroni & cheese
•Paper towels
•Canned meals (pasta, etc.)
•Hamburger Helper
•Non-condensed soup
•Chicken noodle soup of any kind
•Canned carrots and potatoes


9:00 AM–Site opens

10:00 AM–Musical Performance (TBA)

10:30 AM–Silent Auction opens

11:00 AM–Court

12:00 PM–Feast

1:00 PM–Martial Activities and Classes

4:00 PM–Silent Auction ends

6:00 PM–Site closes


All Souls will be holding a potluck feast for lunch. Bring a dish to share, but please label ingredients.

Sign-up for Feast here.

Questions? Please contact the Feast Coordinator.

Classes/A&S Activities

Class Schedule

Let’s Get Medieval: Yorkshire Manor Life Around 1200–1 PM
How were you named? What was growing up like? What was your job? And other fun details of daily life.
THL Gavin White of Westburg, 1 hr.

Largess Workshop–1 PM
A hands on workshop for creating royal favors that Their Majesties will bestow upon those they wish.
Mistress Jocelyn of Lutterworth, 2 hr.

Yarn Basics for Beginning Knitters, Nålbinders, and Others–2 PM
Come learn some things about yarn that are important to consider as you start learning knitting, nålbinding, crotchet, etc. Topics to include fibers, gauge, yarn weight, and more.
Lady Thorunn Ivarsdottir, 1 hr.

Farces, Interludes and Comedies of the 15th and 16th Centuries–3 PM
This class includes discussion, examples, and readings of various short comedies (“farces”) of the late Renaissance. Many of these plays are immediately suitable for SCA performance. A reading list will be furnished and photocopies will be available for a small fee. If time permits, the class will practice dramatic readings of one or more plays as well as theatrical fight scenes.  All ages welcome, no experience required. Loud voices are an asset!.
Countess Sir Fern de la Foret, 1 hr.

At 3 PM, one of the class spaces will be available for crafting and chatting.

Martial Activities


Schedule coming soon.


There will be fencing no matter the weather!


The weather looks like it’s going to be 60 and sunny, so we will be able to fight outside.  However we also have indoor space, so when the temperature drops as the sun goes down, we can go inside for one last tournament.  Due to the scheduled morning performances, court at 11am, and a potluck lunch feast, tournaments will start at 1pm and go as late as possible. Site closes at 6pm– we will keep fencing until they kick us out!

The Long and Short of it Tournament: Be sure to pack your daggers, shorter swords (under 36″), Non-Metal Weapons (daggers, axes, and dussaks) if you are participating in the C&T experiment; and of course SPEARS AND POLEARMS! You can fight with any length weapon you want, but will be awarded more points for winning the shorter your weapon.

Knife Fighting Tournament– DAGGERS ONLY! C&T Non-metal Weapons and Grappling experiments are allowed if both fencers are authorized.  This tournament will probably be inside after the sun starts setting so we don’t risk hitting the ceilings or lights.

Depending on time, we’ll run a third standard rapier tournament.  Bring your Leftover Halloween Candy to share. It may even help you in the tournament– more candy, more lives.  Winners of matches take candy from the defeated opponents.

Also bring your non-rigid parry devices— cloaks, stuffed animals, etc.  At least one round of this tournament will allow only non-rigid offhand devices!

Questions? Please contact the Marshal in Charge or Rapier Marshal.


We will need guards for the Royalty Room. Sign-up here.

If you would like to retain for His Majesty, you can sign-up here.


The following merchants will be at All Souls:

•Daz Design
•Faustino Blades
•Wool Weed


Event Steward: Katherine von Schlosserwald [email protected]

Feast Coordinator: Keaton Caitdroven

Marshal in Charge: Guerric der Wilde Fuchs [email protected]

Rapier Marshal: Tedesco da Venezia [email protected]

Class Coordinator/Merchant Coordinator: Nichola Halden [email protected]

Silent Auction Coordinator: Berngard Solgai (called Moose) [email protected]

Royalty Liaison: Thorunn Ivarsdottir [email protected]